No Flesh Will Disclose Our Eyelid.
This work interrogates the paradox of metamorphosis within inertia, the interweaving of antithetical forces, and the rhythmic undulations of existence. It is a meditation on the liminality of dreams, the persistence of memory, and the elusive interpenetration of mutable forms.
Two entities, frozen in an endless dream, merged into a single whole yet retaining their opposition. Their forms shift, transgressing from one state to another, like a dream transitioning from tranquility to chaos. Their eyes are sealed by eternity, yet their breath continues—subtle, hidden deep beyond the confines of the skull.
Their body is a tree, grown through them but beyond their control. It expands, altering the rhythm of their sleep, influencing their presence in space without breaking their unity. Light and darkness, day and night—two beings suspended on the threshold between reality and reverie, engaged in an eternal dialogue between transformation and stillness.
This work explores the state of metamorphosis within stillness, the fusion of opposites, and the shifting rhythms of existence. It is a meditation on the nature of dreams, memory, and the interpenetration of forms.